DNSB Loan to Professional



PurposeTerm Loan : Purchase of Machineries/Equipment/Furniture, Business Premises, Car, Two Wheeler, Renovation of Business Premises. Cash Credit : Working capital need.

Eligibility Persons engaged in the professions like Chartered Accountant, Cost Accountant, Tax Consultant, Medical Practitioners, Architects, Interior Designer, Structural Engineers, Insurance Surveyors, Management Consultants, Software Professionals, Fashion Designers, Physiotherapist, Beauticians etc.

 Quantum of Loan In case of Term Loan/Flexi Loan – As per the Per Borrower Exposure Norms of our bank, OR 4 times of the average annual income of last three years subject to maximum deduction not to exceed 65% of annual income, whichever is less.



1. In case of loan upto Rs. 5.00 lakhs, explore to obtain the adequate security upto 20% of the loan amount.
2. In case of loan above Rs. 5.00 lakhs, prime security should be assets to be purchased and explore to obtain collateral security at least 50% of loan amount specifically by way of mortgage or assignment
Processing Charges - 0.25% of loan amount plus applicable tax

Rate of Interest Clean loan: 11.30% and With security : 10.35 %(per annum)

Guarantee - 2 guarantors to be obtained

Repayment Period - Maximum up to 84 months.

In case of 2nd hand vehicle, tenor restricted upto 50% of future expected life of vehicle or 60 months whichever less

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